Stating my intentions


I’ve always found that writing crystallizes my thoughts. I usually understand myself a little better after every writing session. I’ve been journaling on and off for three years (more often when things are bad). The process is therapeutic and it’s a joy to reflect back on past entries. For a while I was only interested in writing for myself. But lately I’ve felt compelled to write for others. Putting a thought on paper is a major test of its form and weight; putting it on a public piece of paper even more so. Most of my writing will still be in my private journal, I’m too self conscious to share it here. But I want to cultivate a public thought garden, however tiny and remote it may be.

I’m setting out on a bit of an adventure in a month. My girlfriend and I are moving out of our Las Vegas apartment to travel across the country. Our goal is to find a new home. We have a sense of the path our trip will take, but we don’t know the destination (it’s as scary as it is romantic). I’d like to write about that process. I’d also like to write about rock climbing. Maybe I’ll write a bit about software engineering. I’ll probably post some photos too.

Here’s a photo of an early morning hike to the base of Lake Mead Buttress. We climbed a limestone sport multi-pitch route named Contagion that day.

diminishing returns